What Students Have to Say:

Karla was created engaging virtual lessons in the form of virtual classrooms with fun videos, learning activities, and classroom discussions. Additionally, Karla has her students do beneficial projects that support each other’s learning, including having us create our own creative virtual resources to share with our peers, in addition to having us share our own lesson plans.

anonyomous student

Reflections on Online Teaching

What a wonderful surprise to learn of my nomination for the 2021 Award for Excellence in Online Teaching! When the world changed last spring, I participated in many of the courses offered through the Centre for Teaching and Learning as we shifted to a remote environment. There were many “new to me” things to learn including video technology, software applications and how to continue to provide engaging learning opportunities for Teacher Candidates in these new circumstances. Within a few weeks of the fall term commencing, I had changed my curriculum delivery strategies twice as I responded to my students and their learning requirements. It was important to me that I meet the needs of my students just as I was modelling for them, how important it is to meet the needs of their own learners in the elementary classroom. A special thank you to the Teacher Candidates that navigated this new landscape with me as we learned new skills together. I appreciate the acknowledgment and as they say in Hollywood, “it’s an honour just to be nominated”.

karla wagner

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