23 Nominees Categorized "2021" (page 1 of 3)

WINNER – Brent Bellamy – English

What Students Have to Say: Brent was creative in the way he set up the course on Blackboard, with innovative modules including pictures, links, readings, quizzes and more….

Finalist – Katrina Keefer – History

What Students Have to Say: Especially during this time of pandemic and chaos, Dr. Keefer has helped make learning fun and engaging….Despite the fact that we started in…

Rich McPherson – Education

What Students Have to Say Rich is an outstanding virtual teacher….He has incorporated a variety of online activities to keep us engaged and participating: interactive google slides templates…

Brenda Schepper – Education

What Students Have to Say: She was an absolutely wonderful teacher, and did a phenomenal job ensuring each week’s content was presented in multiple formats, accessible to all…

Shannon Accettone – Chemistry

What Students Have to Say: She is very compassionate and understanding towards her students and allows her students to have different approaches to completing the course content….Shannon’s classes…

Philip Giurlando – Politics

What Students Have to Say: This year has been difficult for everyone, both teachers and students equally. And I believe this teacher has done a really good job…

Michael Hickson – Philosophy

What Students Have to Say: He goes above and beyond to help students understand concepts. His courses are challenging and involve a lot of reading, interpreting and critical…

Kateryna Keefer – Psychology

What Students Have to Say: I thought professor Keefer did a superb job teaching online….She was very thoughtful and understanding during these stressful times. She also made an…

David Beresford – Biology

What Students Have to Say: Professor David Beresford was able to create a very engaging work environment for the fall 2020 semester….He was also extremely responsive to students…

Jennifer Eastabrook – Psychology

What Students Have to Say: Professor Eastabrook is the most student-oriented professor I have ever had. For many psychology students, third year stats (PSYC 3015) is an anxiety-inducing…